
The life cycle of a church can be compare to the life cycle of a human being, following a pattern of distinct phases: an idea, a possibility, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity

The history of Good News Baptist Church of Sioux City, Iowa, can be traced along the steps of this life cycle.


December, 1988

Several pastors from the Des Moines area representing the Next Towns Evangelism (NTE) Committee of the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches (IARBC) visited Sioux City to investigate the possible need for a Regular Baptist church to be planted.  As a result of that investigation, they…


August, 1992

The Sioux City real estate agent phoned Rev. Bob Humrickhouse, then State Representative of the IARBC.  The thank you note had resurfaced, prompting him to call.

“Is the IARBC still interested in planting a church on the west side of Sioux City?”

January, 1993

Rev. Humrickhouse, NTE Committee members, and Dr. Gerald Webber, president of Continental Baptist Missions (CBM), visited Sioux City again.

March-June, 1993

Dr. Webber asked CBM missionaries Brad and Joanne Hoff to consider a church-planting ministry in Sioux City.  After visiting Sioux City and much prayer, the Hoffs believed God was leading them to Sioux City.


September, 1994

Brad and Joanne Hoff moved to Sioux City and began a Bible study in their home at 1917 Isabella Street on Wednesday evenings.

January, 1995

The first public Sunday worship service of Good News Baptist Church was held at the Council Oaks Community Center in Riverside Park.

August, 1995

Good News Baptist Church relocated to a rented storefront at 2601 Myrtle Street.


October, 1996

The fellowship of believers known as Good News Baptist Church adopted a covenant, provisional constitution, and doctrinal statement, and opened a church charter.


February, 1998

Good News Baptist Church purchased 3.2 acres of land on the corner of W.19th and Harris Streets for $55,000.  The church was debt-free by January, 2000.


March, 2003

Good News Baptist Church voted to proceed with the design and construction of a 4,200 square foot building.  Groundbreaking took place on March 30, and construction was begun with the very capable assistance of CBM missionary church builders.

October, 2003

Construction had been completed, and Good News Baptist Church moved into its first “permanent” home.


March, 2009

Good News Baptist Church voted to proceed with graduation from missionary status, unanimously approved Pastor Woodford as their senior pastor starting in July 2009, and passed amendments to the Good News Baptist Church constitution to update the provisional aspects of it.

June, 2009

Good News Baptist Church held a special service for Pastor Brad and Joanne Hoff, thanking them for their faithful service and godly oversight in the establishment of Good News Baptist Church.

July, 2009

Pastor Woodford officially became Good News Baptist Church’s first full-time pastor.  Celebration of graduation from missionary status on July 19th with a special two hour service and challenges from CBM Field Director Tom Logsdon and IARBC State Representative Joe Hayes.

March, 2014

A Recognition Council was held, and Good News Baptist Church was recognized as a duly constituted Regular Baptist Church.  Application was made and accepted into fellowship with the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches and the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.

January, 2015

Good News Baptist Church celebrated 20 years of ministry by God’s grace with a special service with Pastor Brad and Joanne Hoff in attendance.